Molly Enjoys her First Christmas

Molly is a West Highland Terrier (Westie) named The Unsinkable Molly Brown.

She was born Sept 5, 2018, making her about 14 weeks old for her first Christmas.

(Note: She is posed here with Chip Ordman and Heidi Tobin.
Heidi feels strongly that celebrating Christmas is perfectly consistent with planning a Bark Mitzvah for Molly.)

Molly with Santa


Molly says: “Oh. My, another new person to put up with. Does he give puppy treats?"

It was hard to explain the idea of Christmas morning to Molly.
We did take her to church, but she has already mastered sleeping through sermons.

Molly at Church

Christmas presents, however, are easy to understand for almost anyone.

Molly attacks a Christmas

Oh, boy, a present for me!  Connie knows just what I like.
I bet I can get that treat stick unwrapped from the ribbon all by myself!

Treat is loose from

See, I did it.  But before I concentrate too much on this, do you have other things I can unwrap?

Molly tears up wrapping

I’m really getting the hang of this. I could do this all day.
How many more do you have for me to unwrap?

Molly with presents,
        nibbling treat

No more to unwrap? OK, now I can concentrate on that treat stick.

Molly asleep in a pile of

Molly asleep, after a hard day's work.

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, from Molly