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A page about Arnold Ordman,   Feb 16, 1912 to Dec 5, 1989

(updated Jan 2, 2016)

Things you can click on: 

The story of How Arnold Got his Name
Arnold Fails his Way to Success  (his early  career)  
    A version was published as:  http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/1031/p22s03-hfes.html  

Some of Arnold's later Career

Arnold had a large collection of silly songs. 
   Here is one: "The Cloakmaker's Union"

You can learn a lot about Arnold from the on-line archive of the New York Times.

Here is his obituary.
Here is a letter to the editor of the NY Times, November 30, 1965,
illustrating some of the complexities of the job.

The following is a tribute in the Congressional Record:


June 24, 1971




Thursday, June 24, 1971
Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, today marks the completion of the 8 years of tenure of Arnold Ordman as General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board.
Mr. Ordman Is well known to the Members of this House and to our colleagues in the Senate. As General Counsel, he has put in years of overtime attempting to fulfill the functions and obligations of this highly sensitive position with integrity and a genuine commitment to reason and to the spirit as well as the letter of the law.
His career has concerned itself almost entirely with the administration of labor law. He became the sixth NLRB General Counsel since the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947 and the first two-term General Counsel since that office was established In the NLRB.
As a graduate of Harvard Law School in 1936, he practiced law in Salem, Mass., before entering the Navy in 1942. In 1946 he joined the NLRB and began a lifetime of service to resolving the labor disputes that came before the Board.
He was appointed by President Kennedy as General Counsel on April 24. 1963, an appointment that was wholeheartedly concurred in by the Senate and he was sworn in on May 9, 1963.
Arnold Ordman is one of the working patriots of this Nation. He cares what happens to people and. to the institutions of our society. Above all, he cares. very deeply about justice, particularly where it Is tempered and transformed by the compassionate spirit of the law.
He and his wife Evelyn and their two sons, Edward Thorne and Alfred Bram are people who bring to this Nation's Capital a zest for living, a willingness to shoulder heavy burdens and demands on their time, and who return to this country of ours a full measure of devotion. Arnold Ordman has been an outstanding General Counsel and his record will amply reflect the depth and extent of his service to the country. The Congress will miss him. Hopefully we will be able to call upon him often in the future.

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